Posts tagged heavy metals
Episode #139: Dr. David Minkoff: Proteolytic Enzymes, Amino Acids, EMFs, Biofilms, and Heavy Metals

In this episode, Dr. David Minkoff and I discuss how to optimize health and the unique methods and lens that Dr. Minkoff uses in order to help people with his unique approach to medicine. In this episode we cover everything from peptides to ozone to cooking with tinfoil. We cover quite a few topics that give you little tips on how to make your life healthier. There are lots of options that are virtually free as well as more expensive ideas such as doing maintenance IV ozone treatments multiple times a year.

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Episode #109: Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Using Peptides & Other Therapies

In this episode, Dr.Barrett and I discuss peripheral neuropathy, who it affects, common symptoms, phantom pain phenomenon, lower body and heel pain (plantar fasciitis) relief, why diabetes has a strong connection to neuropathy, and most importantly, how a comprehensive care approach with novel treatments can alleviate pain and improve peripheral neuropathy. Dr Barrett shares his expertise with the most effective peptides, PRP, stem cells, and so much more that they utilize at his neuropathy center!

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